Jane McIntyre


Follow me on Twitter:
@janemcintyre12 | @normandycottage



I'm Jane McIntyre, a Sony-winning BBC producer who asked to take the money and run. Now running, daily, and er... spending the money. Also, writing (recently runner-up in LateRooms travel blog competition) and working regularly as an 'extra' in TV, commercials and movies. Hurrah!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Eco un-friendly

It’s bad enough when Tesco keep referring to their proposed new supermarket in Seaton as an ‘eco-store’, but when the local press repeat the same Tesco propaganda, it’s even more infuriating.

Let’s not be hoodwinked here, Tesco’s new store may, or may not, have a long list of worthy green credentials, but it’s still a supermarket (an unsuitably oversized one) first and foremost.

No amount of solar panels can alter that fact.