Jane McIntyre


Follow me on Twitter:
@janemcintyre12 | @normandycottage



I'm Jane McIntyre, a Sony-winning BBC producer who asked to take the money and run. Now running, daily, and er... spending the money. Also, writing (recently runner-up in LateRooms travel blog competition) and working regularly as an 'extra' in TV, commercials and movies. Hurrah!

Monday, 1 February 2010

More questions than answers

Given that Tesco were recently given permission to build a giant new store in Seaton, three times the size of their neighbouring Axminster branch, you might’ve thought that commonsense would’ve prevailed, with Tesco quietly abandoning plans to extend their already adequate Axminster outlet.

Sadly, although with depressing inevitability, Tesco have announced that they are to continue with their expansion plans in Axminster and justified their actions by reciting the findings of their own carefully-worded survey that basically asked existing shoppers whether they would like:

a) a better store

b) an increased product range

As if anyone would say no. Note the question ‘Do you think a massive extension is necessary?’ was conveniently omitted. The changes successfully implemented at Morrisons in Bridport over the past year-or-so are proof that you can create a better store and offer an increased product range, without the need for a massive extension - simply by more clever use of existing space. Tesco really should take note.