Jane McIntyre


Follow me on Twitter:
@janemcintyre12 | @normandycottage



I'm Jane McIntyre, a Sony-winning BBC producer who asked to take the money and run. Now running, daily, and er... spending the money. Also, writing (recently runner-up in LateRooms travel blog competition) and working regularly as an 'extra' in TV, commercials and movies. Hurrah!

Friday, 21 May 2010

Yellow peril

Interesting that Nick Clegg apparently refused to work with Gordon Brown on that basis that the former PM had been resoundingly rejected by the electorate. Given that Clegg managed to bag even less seats than the paltry number his party gained at the previous election, Gordon Brown's 'unpopularity' is the sort of popularity that Clegg can only dream about.

But, now that he's virtually running the country, I don't suppose he's too bothered.

Funny old game, Politics.